Electrical Solutions for Power Plants and Transmission LinesDetailed Design and Engineering, Procurement, Construction of Electrical BOP, Control and Automation, Switchyards, Transmission lines.


As an end-to-end EPC for thermal power plants, we also design, engineer and manufacture electrical control and instrumentation systems, switchyards, transmission and evacuation lines. 

Our electrical projects for the same include, 

  1. 12.9/13.8kV/138kV step up system design with 17 numbers of 13.8kV breakers interfacing 6km 13.8/13.8 DC line between power plant & pulp mill for Jefferson Enterprise Energy, Lufkin, Texas.
  2. 10.5/22.9kV step up transformer with two bay switchyard  for Inkotech, 9.95 MW, Power Plant in Gangneung, South Korea 
  3. 110kV Single Circuit Transmission Line on DC Tower for Pan India Infra Projects Limited, Karnataka 
  4. Design, Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 220 kV Transformer Bay Switchyard which includes 7.5 MVA 33/220 kV Transformer, 13 Km of 33 kV Single Circuit Transmission line for NTPC Limited, Faridabad, India 
  5. Electrical & Automation BOP:1 Bay, 132 kV Switchyard including One Generating Transformer of rating 37.5 MVA, 132kV Transmission Line for interplant connection for a route length of 1kM,  One Unit Auxiliary Transformer of rating 5 MVA, Two Service Transformer (UAT) of rating 2.5 MVA for Shri Jagannath Steels & Power Limited in Barbil, Odisha (SJSPL)
  6. Electrical & Automation BOP: 110 kV, 8 bay Switchyard including Two (2) Generator Transformers (GT) of rating 35 / 45 MVA, two (2) Unit Auxiliary Transformers (UAT) of rating 8 MVA, Six (6) Distribution Transformers (DT) of rating 2 MVA 33 kV, 4 bay Switchyard including all switchyard equipment for Tulsyan NEC Limited, Tamil Nadu 
  7. Electrical & Automation BOP: 230 kV, 6-bays Switchyard including Two (2) Generator Transformers (GT) of rating 35 / 45 MVA, 230kV DC Transmission Line for a route length of 4kM, Two (2) Unit Auxiliary Transformers (UAT) of rating 8 MVA, Six (6) Distribution for Kamachi Sponge and Power Corporation, Chennai, India with SCADA systems
  8. Electrical & Automation BOP: One (1) Unit Auxiliary Transformer (UAT) of rating 7 MVA, Three (3) Distribution Transformers (DT) of rating 2 MVA for Indian Seamless Metal Tubes Limited, Maharashtra, India. 
  9. Design, Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Electrical & Automation Balance of Plant which includes 220kV, 9-Bays, Gas Insulated Switchyard (GIS), Two Generator Transformer of rating 50/60 MVA, Two Auto Transformers of rating 50/60 MVA, Two Unit Auxiliary Transformers of rating 8 MVA, Two Station Transformers of rating 12 MVA, Ten Distribution Transformers of rating 2 MVA for SBQ Steels Limited, AP, India
  10. Design, Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Power Evacuation Facilities for 100MW of Wind Power through 7 bay 110kV & 12 bay 33kV Switchyard for Gamesa Wind Turbines Private Limited, Rasipalayam, Tamilnadu